After a very hot November, the rains finally started during December and it was amazing to see how quickly the colors of green transformed the area.
A day after the first big storm you could already see the short green grass sprouts shoot up and within a week it had changed into a completely different place.
The animals are happy (some predators may disagree with this statement..) and can finally gorge themselves, play, roam around, and use that extra energy they had to conserve during the dry season.
We were very lucky to see the first flow of the Mdonya River. It was amazing to watch the first dribble of water flowing and in a few minutes, a full river passing by.
Many animals have now moved from the Ruaha River up toward the escarpment and into the Mdonya area. We now have plenty of Zebra as well as buffalo feeding around our area.
Elephants can now eat as much as they like as they continue to roam around the camp stuffing themselves in the abundance of green.
The increase in insects has been amazing. As soon as the termites fly out in their quest to find mating partners, it becomes an incredible spectacle and almost looks like snow in an upward drift. A hungry Tawny Eagle also cashes in on the abundance of the flying hors d’oeuvres.
The nights become alive and loud with the sound of the many species of frogs that suddenly appear all over.
We had a great New Year’s evening dinner with some elephants joining in the celebrations with the guests close to the dinner table, as we all said bye-bye to 2023 and looked towards a prosperous 2024.
Pictures and Videos by Godson Mkini and Malcolm. Thanks to Andrea Pompele for the pictures of the celebration of the new year.
We hope to see you soon.
Mdonya Old River Camp Team
In a flash we have come to the end of 2023. We can all look back on time passed but cannot forget the amazing memories we have made during this year. We cannot bring that time back, but we can reminisce on time spent with family and friends and our new plans for 2024.
Thank you to Paul Ellam and Sandra Dodson that have shared their safari experience with us at Lake Manze. It is unique to be able to see their experiences through their eyes. From the herds of Buffalo, the colorful birds, wild dogs lazing about and the lions being lions. Birdlife around the lakes and the baby Giraffes.
The lake has dried and refilled with the nourishing rain experienced during the month of December. The vegetation growth and insect life has taken off like a wildfire as it nourishes the many babies around. Time for a new generation.
We hope that these memories will urge you into another safari with us. You have been, you have seen, and the African bug has left its mark.
We wish you all a fantastic 2024 with many memory making adventures waiting.
Safe travels.
Shaun, Milli and the Lake Manze Camp team