News from the camp in the time of no tourism - August 2020

We believe that responsible tourism is the answer to conservation not only because generates a sustainable economy, but even becuase, more pragmatically, it keeps presence and eyes against poachers in remote wilderness of our planet and help conservation of wildlife.
Help us to keep more staff in camp during these times of no tourism in Tanzania.
Read, donate and share our appeal:

Mdonya Old River

The Mdonya lions roar fills the nights in camp. If they are close it wakes up everything and everybody, humans included.
The deep and low call seems to bounce off the rock walls of the escarpment. When the Mdonya pride is separated and individuals respond from different directions the echo reverberates through camp. The morning after is a search for the source of the sound in the surrounding forest and along the Mdonya river.
This month a beautiful male was seen relaxing lonely on the road; the older male in charge of the pride was seen in company of a young female, his huge stomach a clear sign of a great meal; four cubs of different ages, no older than eight months, were spotted on the sand next to the river. They were seen with an adult female and because of the long period with no tourism, Mdonya’s car the first one ever, the younger cubs were too scared to pose even for a single picture.

A leopard mom was spotted with her two grown-up cubs on the main road at Tonino’s bridge.

Elephants, kudu, zebra, giraffes, vervet monkeys and impala are seen in camp daily.
Charlie the elephant came browsing in camp with his longtime friend, Sikio Mbovu.
Nj’ole and Godoro spend their days lazing with us in camp.
A young new bull was seen in camp and he lacks the bottom part of the tail so he has been aptly named Mkia (tail in ki-swahili).

The winter thorns canopies are heavy with their rusty coloured pods, the 3 meters tall grass is abundant and the Mdonya river is generously flowing as it brings the water and nutrients for Mdonya’s rich ecosystem.

Please donate to help mdonya staff to continue with their surveys in the Mdonya’s area, by clicking on here gofundme.

Pictures in the gallery from Godson, Ayoubu and Micol.


Lake Manze

We are back in camp in the now Nyerere National Park! Not all may know that most of the Selous Game Reserve has been turned into a National Park and renamed Nyerere in honour of the “father of the Nation”, Julius Mwalimu Nyerere, the first president the country had after independence and a great conservationist.
Here a quote from Nyerere which we wish more presidents all over the world would adopt as their own:

“The survival of our wildlife is a matter of grave concern to all of us in Africa. These wild creatures amid the wild places they inhabit are not only important as a source of wonder and inspiration, but are an integral part of our natural resources and our future livelihood and well being. In accepting the trusteeship of our wildlife, we solemnly declare that we will do everything in our power to make sure that our children’s grand-children will be able to enjoy this rich and precious inheritance.”

This new status means that hunting will not be permitted in the area that falls under the the park. For the photographic area where we are located not much changes as no hunting was permitted under Selous Game Reserve anyway.

The past rainy season was exceptional and the lake water level was at record highs!
This means that there are still small water holes scattered along the landscape for the thirsty ones to drink. During this month we had some small rain storms which has turned the grass back to a luscious green within a couple of days.
Our first guests, the baboons, came to visit us 😉 The usual giraffes and impala are still passing through on their daily routine to find the sweetest grass and leaves.

We would like to thank you again to all those who supported us with our appeal.
Please click on the link for your continued support gofundme.

Pictures and videos from Malcolm.

Picture gallery and videos by Kipondo and Malcolm.


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